Ganesh Gauri Puja, also known as Ganesh Gauri Vrat, is a traditional Hindu festival celebrated mainly in Maharashtra and Goa. It comes on the third day after the Ganesh Chaturthi celebration. During Ganesh Gauri Puja, devotees worship Lord Ganesha and Goddess Gauri. The puja is especially important for married women, who seek the blessings of Goddess Gauri for the good health and happiness of their families.
Ganesh Gauri Pujan Vidhi
To prepare for the puja, clean the house, decorate the puja area, and place a platform with a red cloth for the idols of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Gauri. Wash your hands, sip water, and declare your intention to perform the puja. Invite Lord Ganesha and Goddess Gauri to be present, then bathe the idols with water, milk, curd, ghee, and honey.
Put them in new clothes and decorate them with jewelry. Apply sandalwood paste to their foreheads and provide yellow powder, unbroken rice, betel nuts, cloves, cardamom, fruits, flowers and sweets. Light a lamp and incense sticks. Offer food, do aarti and pray for your wishes. Walk clockwise around the idols. If possible, offer Dakshina to the Brahmins.
Ganesh Gauri Pujan Mantra
- Aavahan Mantra: Om Gauri Ganapathibhyam Namah
- Snana Mantra: Om Gangadharaya Vishnupriyaya Shivpriyaya Namah
- Vastra Mantra: Om Vastram Samarpayami
- Abhushana Mantra: Om Abhushanam Samarpayami
- Chandan Mantra: Om Chandanam Samarpayami
- Roli Mantra: Om Rolini Samarpayami
- Akshata Mantra: Om Akshatan Samarpayami
- Supari Mantra: Om Suparim Samarpayami