Jammu - Vishnu Abhishek

Jammu -  Vishnu Abhishek

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Lord Vishnu is one of the principal gods among the 3 Hindu deities. Lord Vishnu is known as the protector of the univerce. Vishnu Shasastranam is dedicated to Lord Vishnu.The word "Vishnusahastranam" is a combination of two words: "Sahastra" means menas thousand and "Nam" means names. It is included in Mahabharat's Anushasana Parva. It is beleived that Vishnu Sahastranama is written in snaskit by Sage vyas. While chanting thousand names of Lord Vishnu performing abhishek on idol is considered hinghly beneficial for the devotees.

At first, Kalash is established with the help of coconut and mango leaves. Then sanklp is taken in the name of the devotees. Then abhishek on Lord Vishnu is done with the help of things like milk, water, ghee, curd, and sugar. Then invoking of Lord Vishnu is done with the help of a mantra and prayers by the pujari. Then Pujariji chants 1000 names of the Lord Vishnu. At last, arti of Lord Vishnu is done, and blessings are taken by the devotees. 

Book Jammu - Vishnu Abhishek

Starting From - ₹5999.00

Benefits of Puja

Performing this puja blesses the devotees with mental peace. Vishnu Sahasranama helps to remove various obstacles and challenges from the devotee's life. Devotees believe that by performing this puja they can remove all the negative energies. This puja also increases the physical and mental well-being of devotees.

Place of Puja

At Lord Vishnu temple in the city of Jammu.

Required Things (Puja Samagri)

The puja samagri is included in the Dakshina

Ghee(घी), Honey(शहद), Sweet(मिठाई), Fruit(फल), Dhoop(धूप), Kapoor(कपूर), betel leaf (पान).

When to Perform Jammu - Vishnu Abhishek?

The puja timing is between 10:00Am to 12:00PM.

Puja Duration

1 Hours.

Yajman Details

  • Total Yajman: 1

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