Lalita devi Shakti peeth - Devi Bij Mantra Puja

Lalita Devi is the central deity in the shakti she is the goddess of beauty, wisdom, and power. Lalita is also known by the names Rajeshwari, Shodashi, Tripura, and Sundari. The Bij mantra is a Sanskrit word; "Bij" means seed, and the Bij mantra is considered the core manta that contains the divine energy. These Bija mantras is associated with Lalita Devi. Lalitadevi Bij Mantra is a powerful mantra dedicated to Goddess Lalita Tripura Sundari. It is believed that chanting the Bij mantra invokes the Goddess's energy for spiritual awakening.
At first, Sankalp is taken in the name of the devotees. Then invoking Goddess Lalita is done with mantras and prayers by the pujari. Than Lalita devi Bij mnatras are chanted by the pujari, and the pujari also offers Kumkum, flowers, chunri, and bangles to the Goddess. Then the blessings of Goddess Lalita are taken, and the puja is completed.
Book Lalita devi Shakti peeth - Devi Bij Mantra Puja
Benefits of Puja
This puja helps in the removal of obstacles from the life of the devotees. Doing this puja can remove negative energies and create a positive atmosphere. Performing this puja purifies the mind and body of the devotees. This puja helps in bringing prosperity to the life of the devotees. This puja helps in bringing prosperity to the life of the devotees.
Place of Puja
At Lalita Devi temple.
Required Things (Puja Samagri)
The puja samagri is included in the Dakshina
Fruits(फल), Sweets(मिठाइयाँ), Rice(चावल), Flowers(पुष्प), Sandalwood(चंदन), Kapoor(कपूर), Sugar(चीनी), Coconut(नारियल), Turmeric(हल्दी), Kumkum(कुमकुम),Panchamrit(पंचामृत).
When to Perform Lalita devi Shakti peeth - Devi Bij Mantra Puja?
The puja timing is between 07:00 AM to 01:00 PM, 02:00 PM to 6:30 PM, and 07:30 PM to 10:00 PM.
Puja Duration
1.30 Hours.
Yajman Details
- Total Yajman: 4