Gokarna - Shradh Puja

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Shradh Puja is a ceremony performed during the Shradh period which is also known as Pitru Pakash. The main focus of shradh puja is to offer food and their favourite items to the departed ancestors. A common offering like rice, vegetables, sweets, milk, fruit and water is done. Throughout the puja, various prayers and mantras are chanted. It is believed that performing this puja in Gokarna, helps the souls of the ancestors find peace and blesses their family.
At first Sankalp is taken in the name of the devotees. Then invoking of Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and other deits are done with the help of mantras and prayers by the pujari. Then offering of things like rice, sesame seeds, flowers, fruits, sweets etc are done for the ancestors by the devotees with the help of Vedic rituals and mantras by the pujari. At last, aarti is done by the pujari and the ritual is completed.
Book Gokarna - Shradh Puja
Benefits of Gokarna Shradh Puja
Shradh is performed to take blessing from our departed ancestors. The soul blesses you and removes all the negative energy from the life of the devotee. Additionally increases harmony and well-being between the family members.
Place of Puja
At Ghat in Gokarna
Required Things (Puja Samagri)
The puja samagri is included in the Dakshina
Sesame Seeds (तिल), Rice (चावल), Ghee (घी), Flowers (फूल), Incense Sticks (अगरबत्ती), Diya (दीया), Fruits (फल), Milk (दूध), Sweets (मिठाई), Water (पानी), Betel Leaves (पान के पत्ते), Betel Nuts (सुपारी).
When to Perform Shradh Puja?
Shradh Puja can be done on any day of the year according to the Mahurat in Gokarna.
Shradh Puja Duration
Shradh Puja takes time around 4 to 5 hours.
Yajman Details
- Total Yajman: 5