Prachi Tirth - Tirth Shradh

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Tirth Shradh is a ritual where offering is made to the ancestors like food, water and their favourite items. It is mainly done to satisfy the unfulfilled wants of spirits. The Shradh is done in Prachi for mainly one ancestor and prayers include the last three generations of the ancestors from both father’s and mother’s sides. This ritual is done for the spirits of the ancestors to find peace and moksha. The duration of Shradh is usually 15 days, although it can be shorter or longer depending on individual beliefs and regional customs.
At first, Sankalp is taken in the name of the devotees. Than mantras are chanted by the pujari. Then offerings of things like food and water etc. are done for the ancestors by the devotees with the help of Vedic rituals and mantras by the pujari. At last, aarti is done by the pujari and the ritual is completed.
Book Prachi Tirth - Tirth Shradh
Benefits of Prachi Tirth Shradh
Tirth Shradh is performed to take blessing from our departed ancestors. The soul blesses you and removes all the negative energy from the life of the devotee. Additionally increases harmony and well-being between the family members.
Place of Puja
At Prachi Tirth
Required Things (Puja Samagri)
The puja samagri is included in the Dakshina
Betel nut(सुपारी), Akshat(अक्षत), Ghee(घी), Honey(शहद), Black Sesame(काला तिल), Tulasi(तुलसी), Jho Flour(झो आटा), Fruits(फल), Flowers(पुष्प), White Thread(सफेद धागा), Rice(चावल), Dhoop(धूप), Milk(दूध). kusha grass(कुशा घास), Ganga jal(गंगा जल).
When to Perform Tirth Shradh in Prachi?
This puja can be done at Prachi on any day of the year according to the Muhrat.
Tirth Shradh Duration
Tirth Shradh Puja takes time around 1.30 to 2 Hours.
Yajman Details
- Total Yajman: 5