Saptashrungi - Naivedhyam

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Naivedhyam is the ritual puja which takes place in Saptashrungi & the word "Naivedhyam" refers to the food that is offered to deities during worship or rituals. The Naivedhyam consist of various things like Fruit, Sweets, Cooked dishes and other vegetarian food items. After the offering of Naivedhyam to the deity is done it is distributed as prasad. It is believed that offering Naivedhyam to God is the best way of expressing devotion to the deities. It is believed that Naivedhyam is an integral part of worship.
At first sankalp is taken in the name of devotees. Than invoking of Goddess is done with mantras and prayers by the pujari. Than things like Fruits, Dry fruits, curd and cooked 16 dishes are offered to goddess as bhog. At last arti is done of the Goddess and the prasad is distributed to the devotees.
Book Saptashrungi - Naivedhyam
Benefits of Naivedhyam
This puja purifies the mind and body of the devotees. It also removes hurdles from the life of the devotees. It also give peace of mind and positive energy. This puja removes all the problems and troubles which devotees faces.
Place of Puja
At Saptashrungi devi temple.
Required Things (Puja Samagri)
The puja samagri is included in the Dakshina
Fruits(फल), Sweets(मिठाइयाँ), Rice(चावल), Ghee(घी), Flowers(पुष्प), Sandalwood(चंदन), Kapoor(कपूर), Sugar(चीनी), Coconut(नारियल), Turmeric(हल्दी).
When to Perform Naivedhyam in Saptashrungi?
This puja can be done on any day of the year according to the Muhrat.
Saptashrungi Naivedhyam Duration
The Naivedhyam in Saptashrungi duration is 25 to 30 Minutes.